Q1:How long does it take to make a suit?

A1:There are many stages to making a suit which is captured on the “suit making process”on this site. There are details like buttonholes which take literally days to make as we pour in a lot of handiwork.

Q2:Are there any tips for a first time customer?

A2:You may bring in magazine clippings, your own sketch or a garment you would like us to emulate. Please note that WW Chan is a bespoke tailoring house and we specializing in garments to fit the wearer. Certain styling may not be something that may be appropriate for emulation through a bespoke tailoring house.

When you come for fittings, avoid wearing anything that is too heavy or too baggy. Also, wear the type of undergarments that you are going to use with the clothing that you ordered.

Q3:Your suits are extremely expensive. Why should I not get a suit from around the corner at 3,000 HK Dollars or less?

A3:W.W. Chan offers a true bespoke experience as well as handiwork and quality which is unparalleled in Hong Kong.

Q4:I am not staying in HK long enough to make a suit but really want to try WW Chan. What can I do?

A4:If you cannot stay long enough for us to finish your garments or you prefer not to carry the suits along with you, we can arrange to give you enough fittings while you are in Hong Kong or Shanghai and have them sent afterwards. The expected shipping and handling charges should be covered on your end or can be billed back to you.

We also arrange tours to the US & UK. Please check our schedules under “Tours” to see whether you can make one of our tours!

Q5:What can I change on the suit once it is being fitted?

A5:Mention whatever you like or do not like on during the fittings. Things you should specify during the first ordering e.g. lapel width, armhole height, shoulder type. Details such as the jacket length and the pocket position also cannot be changed dramatically during the later stages. Speak up and speak out - we want you to be happy!

Q6:How do I speed up the suit-ordering process?

A6:If you are able to contact us by online form, telephone or fax before you arrive, we would be able to arrange a specific time slot to avoid waiting times. Letting us know the below would also help us narrow down the details for preparation of the meeting as well:
Whether the suit/jacket is to be for seasonal (which season) or year round use
Which fabric types you prefer:
* Weight
* Pattern
* Brand/House
* Fabric #